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Online Hospital Management – Quanta Version 2.1

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Birlamedisoft Quanta WebHIMS V 2.0

Birlamedisoft Quanta WebHIMS V 2.0 , Web based Hospital Information Management System is an ERP suite of software modules to computerize any large scale hospital and connected clinics and its branches. It is fully online web based software. The information is available anytime, anywhere. There are plenty of exhaustive modules available in Birlamedisoft Quanta WebHIMS V 2.0, which makes it User friendly, Highly versatile, Quick installable, Completely Database driven, Centarlised Database, Hospital Information Management System ERP software available in the market today, Please take a look on the features described below.

Birlamedisoft Quanta WebHIMS V 2.0 addresses all major functional areas of Hospital. The development environment ensures that Birlamedisoft Quanta WebHIMS has the portability and connectivity to run on virtually all standard hardware platforms, with stringent data security and easy recovery in case of a system failure.

Birlamedisoft Quanta WebHIMS V 2.0 provides the benefits of streamlined operations, enhanced administration and control, improved response to patient care, cost control, and improved profitability. The main features of Birlamedisoft Quanta WebHIMS V 2.0 include Modular Structure, Integrated Design, Multi Level Security, Easily Customizable, GUI Based and User Friendly.

Online Hospital Software